Monthly Archives: March 2024

Voices of Tasmanians Survey Report

97% of Tasmanians do not feel well represented Voices of Tasmania (VoT) has published the Survey Analysis report from 756 respondents to the Have Your Say survey. The most striking result is that just 2.8% felt they were well represented by their elected politicians. Just over a quarter (26%) felt “somewhat” represented. The “Voices of Tasmanians” report can be found here: It is publicly available and will be sent to all candidates. “This is a shocking result. So many Tasmanians feel un-represented by the way the way party politics operates.” said Voices of Tasmania convenor [...]

By |2024-03-06T17:05:03+11:00March 6th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Voices of Tasmanians Survey Report


A new Tasmanian political movement Voices of Tasmania (VoT) is looking for independent community-focused candidates to step into the void of a fracturing parliament. The statewide group is gaining a growing presence and activity in each of the State's five electorates. “Tasmanians are saying they want stronger and wiser politics,” said Michael Roberts, “They don’t want the secrecy culture, bullying or political point scoring games being played. People tell us are fed up with politics as usual – they want effective representatives, not nodding heads toeing party lines.” This week the Voices movement is launching a [...]

By |2024-03-13T13:20:51+11:00March 2nd, 2024|Blog, Election, Media release|Comments Off on A STRONGER PARLIAMENT FOR ALL TASMANIANS
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