
The Voices of Tasmania candidate committee thanks you for your interest in applying to be supported as a Community Independent Candidate at the next State Election.

Contact with Voices of Tasmania regarding candidacy is treated as highly confidential. We understand the particularly Tasmanian sensitivities that affect people’s readiness to publicly declare their interest in running (or have others speak about it). Your candidacy is for you alone to declare when you are ready to do so.

Candidate Attributes:

We are seeking to support prospective candidates who demonstrate the following attributes as a minimum:

Independent and local: resides in the electorate and not aligned with a political party

Community-minded: engaged with local communities and committed to listening to and acting on the concerns and views of the electorate.

Ethical and Values-driven: demonstrates the values, behaviours and principles outlined in the Voices of Tasmania Charter.

Engaging communicator: has a warm and authentic presence; listens and responds directly with empathy, logic and clarity; can respectfully call out disrespectful behaviour and misinformation.

Committed to action: on the climate, ecological and energy crises

Critical thinker: able to critically analyse issues to present cohesive and logical arguments.

Resilience: proven ability succeed under pressure and withstand the rigors of public scrutiny

Can attract support: has capacity and network to attract sufficient financial, volunteer and personal/emotional support to go the distance

To confidentially discuss the application and decision-making process please contact the Voices of Tasmania Convenor, Michael Roberts – or another Voices of Tasmania leader.

The Process:

The process may vary a little from electorate to electorate; but in general it is as follows (applicants can start at step 1, 2 or 3) – we recommend commencing at Step 1 to best assist your and our decision making:

  1. Expression of Interest – via informal contact (e.g. phone, email, personal meeting)
  2. Preliminary Telephone/In Person Interview outlining hurdle criteria (see below)
  3. Submission of written application (this document)
  4. Screening of written applications by VoT candidate committee
  5. Interview with 2 candidate committee members
  6. Short listed nominees go through VoT / candidate mutual decision-making process; which may include:
  • Campaign strategy & tactics presentation
  • Video message testing
  • Mock media conference
  • Social media scrutiny
  • Full panel interview
  1. Short-listed candidates are scored against criteria (to be provided to you)
  2. Public declaration of standing

Hurdle Criteria

The criteria listed below are all ‘hurdle’ criteria. You must be able to demonstrate that you fulfil these criteria before lodging your application; unless you can show good reason why an exception should be made.

  1. You meet all eligibility criteria to nominate for election to the Parliament of Tasmania
  2. You are not aligned with a political party, have not been a member of a political party for at least 3 years and have never stood as a candidate for a political party in any jurisdiction.
  3. Your personal values, behaviours and principles are aligned with the Voices of Tasmania Charter & Code of Conduct
  4. If supported as a candidate, you will :
    • be available to lead an election campaign within 4 weeks of being declared, including to fund and/or lead a fundraising campaign.
    • nominate as a candidate with the TEC immediately after the election date has been announced.
    • be available to take up office as a Member of the House of Assembly should you be elected.

Written Application

NOTE: We recommend you contact us informally prior to lodging a formal application (as below).

Please provide the following personal details in your letter/email and provide all relevant attachments when you submit your application.

Personal Details

Full Name
Previous Name/s
Residential Address
E-mail Address
Mobile Phone No.
Date of Birth
Country of Birth
Citizenship Status Held*
Current Occupation
Social media account types used
Social media account links/handles

* Citizenship is only required for Federal candidates; however, we still request to know your citizenship status.

Attachments: Professional and Civic Experience

Please attach the following to your submission:

  • Your career CV including all qualifications, professional associations and complete list of your work experience
  • A list of your civic work i.e. community associations and volunteer work, pro bono projects, etc.
  • A list of any awards and achievements in both professional and civic areas
  • Highlight any areas of conflict that would affect your application process

Submit Written Application

Please submit your written application by emailing it to