
Voices of Tasmanians Survey Report

97% of Tasmanians do not feel well represented Voices of Tasmania (VoT) has published the Survey Analysis report from 756 respondents to the Have Your Say survey. The most striking result is that just 2.8% felt they were well represented by their elected politicians. Just over a quarter (26%) felt “somewhat” represented. The “Voices of Tasmanians” report can be found here: It is publicly available and will be sent to all candidates. “This is a shocking result. So many Tasmanians feel un-represented by the way the way party politics operates.” said Voices of Tasmania convenor [...]

By |2024-03-06T17:05:03+11:00March 6th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Voices of Tasmanians Survey Report


A new Tasmanian political movement Voices of Tasmania (VoT) is looking for independent community-focused candidates to step into the void of a fracturing parliament. The statewide group is gaining a growing presence and activity in each of the State's five electorates. “Tasmanians are saying they want stronger and wiser politics,” said Michael Roberts, “They don’t want the secrecy culture, bullying or political point scoring games being played. People tell us are fed up with politics as usual – they want effective representatives, not nodding heads toeing party lines.” This week the Voices movement is launching a [...]

By |2024-03-13T13:20:51+11:00March 2nd, 2024|Blog, Election, Media release|Comments Off on A STRONGER PARLIAMENT FOR ALL TASMANIANS

Voices of Tasmania Convenor Michael Roberts interviewed by Leon Compton

Voices of Tasmania Convenor Michael Roberts interviewed by Leon Compton on ABC Mornings radio 8-2-24 - Tasmania needs more community independent candidates.  

By |2024-02-29T08:26:38+11:00February 29th, 2024|ABC Radio, Community Independent, Election, Interview, Voices of Tasmania|Comments Off on Voices of Tasmania Convenor Michael Roberts interviewed by Leon Compton

Improving our democracy

Two proven ways to regenerate 'the voice of the people' By Stephen Williams Central to the Voices movement is the belief that voters should have more say in how we are governed compared with the present. This is usually called ‘participatory democracy’ or ‘direct democracy’. Voting at elections, depending on the precise rules, is often compromised because wealth and power can give some candidates and parties an unfair advantage. Then, post-election, the common experience of being sidelined by our elected representatives and their political parties is hardly ideal. Creating petitions is good in theory but is [...]

By |2023-10-20T16:56:30+11:00October 20th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Improving our democracy

A government job guarantee

Why a government job guarantee? By Stephen Williams Introduction A government job guarantee (JG) is a scheme where a national government offers a job up to fulltime hours at the minimum wage to anyone of working age. It would therefore eliminate involuntary unemployment and underemployment, the latter being where people have some work but want more. The Job Guarantee idea emerged independently from the late US economist Hyman Minsky and Australian economist William Mitchell, a co-founder of modern monetary theory (MMT). The purpose of the JG (along with adequate pensions for non-workers) is to eliminate poverty [...]

By |2023-10-18T17:51:55+11:00October 4th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A government job guarantee

Frequently Asked Question: “Are you those ‘Teals’?”

Voices groups are often challenged with questions like: “Aren’t you just a political party by another name?” and “Teals aren’t real independents, they’re either Liberals or Greens in disguise.” As a Voices group, we are not a party, nor will we run candidates. The name “Teals” is a tag-name coined by the mass media (mostly Murdoch press) and often used in a negative way to belittle this major political movement. Some people think of "Teals" positively. But it underestimates the powerful differences these Community Independents are championing. So let’s unpack what a Voices group is about, [...]

By |2023-10-18T17:51:56+11:00May 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Wanted: Voices of Tasmania

We want 5000 Tasmanian viewpoints. Yours. Why? Because democracy is a verb; it’s a doing word. And we’re asking YOU to do something. We are asking and offering Tasmanians to have a real say in how this state grows and develops. What do you most want and not want? What needs to change and be changed by our government? By adding your voice, and actively engaging like-minded others to do the same, your participation in the democratic process can bring about massive change. It happened in Victoria last year when Kooyong residents replaced Liberal Treasurer Josh [...]

By |2023-10-18T17:51:57+11:00May 23rd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wanted: Voices of Tasmania

10 EMPTY SEATS = the big opportunity to re-shape Tasmania

The next Tasmanian state election is going to be BIG. Big for Community Independents with the game-changing wave across mainland Australia at the last Federal election. Big for Tasmanian politics because there are suddenly 10 vacant seats – that means there are no incumbents defending them! There will be 10 fresh faces in the next Tasmanian parliament – who do you want there? What calibre of leader do you want to step forward and engage with the real and pressing priorities Tasmanians are facing? THIS is your chance to get active and help put high quality [...]

By |2023-10-18T17:51:58+11:00May 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 10 EMPTY SEATS = the big opportunity to re-shape Tasmania
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