Kitchen Table Conversations provide Voices of Tasmania (VoT) with person-to-person avenues to listen to, understand and represent the key concerns and broader issues that Tasmanians see as most important.

Kitchen Table Conversations (KTC’s) enable this to be achieved through groups of up to 10 participants meeting up with a VoT facilitator to discuss their opinions on a short series of questions. Each KTC normally lasts around 90 minutes.

It is important to understand that the Voices of Tasmania model is not a forum for debate but is a process for listening to what the community values, their issues and concerns.  The topics discussed reach across all levels of government. The KTCs are all about listening, so our facilitators are not in a position to question or debate the issues raised by participants.

All inputs to KTCs are de-identified; meaning what was said is never associated with any name or names. In other words, input is anonymous.

The KTC’s are being held across all 5 Tasmanian electorates with groups being drawn from different segments of the community. The intention is to capture the concerns of a representative cross section of the population so that all candidates at the next election can be provided with accurate community concerns, wishes and opinions.

The Objective

The objective of KTCs is to combine the input with the survey data being collected via the Have Your Say survey to produce a report that will be made publicly available prior to the next state election. All candidates standing for at the next state election will be asked for their feedback on the key issues raised in the Voices of Tasmania survey report. Voices of Tasmania will also organise a community forum, inviting candidates and all those who participated in the KTC’s to attend. The focus of the forum will be on if and how the candidates plan to represent the views expressed in the survey and KTCs.

We welcome the participation of all Tasmanians and respect the diversity of people and opinions in our community. As Tasmanians, we hope that you will agree to take part in one of our Kitchen Table Conversations, and even to host one where you invite people from your own network or neighbourhood to join in.

To participate in an upcoming KTC – or to offer to host one – please contact us today!

We look froward to hearing from you.

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